👋 Welcome on gatsby-starter-morning-dew starter template and theme!

Installation (starter)

  • with Gatsby-cli:
npm install --global gatsby-cli
gatsby new gatsby-blog https://github.com/maxpou/gatsby-starter-morning-dew
  • without Gatsby-cli
git clone my-site git@github.com:maxpou/gatsby-starter-morning-dew.git
cd my-site
npm install

Then run npm run develop to try it locally.

Installation (theme)

You can also use gatsby-starter-morning-dew as a Gatsby theme!

  1. Add the theme
    npm install gatsby-starter-morning-dew
  2. In your gatsby-config.js, add:
    const config = require('./data/siteConfig')
    // ...
    plugins: [
          resolve: "gatsby-starter-morning-dew",
          options: {},
          resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
          options: {
            name: config.siteTitle,
            short_name: config.siteTitle,
            start_url: config.pathPrefix,
            background_color: config.background_color,
            theme_color: config.theme_color,
            display: config.display,
            icon: 'content/images/company-icon.png', // path to your image
  3. Add an image called baymax.png in content/images/baymax.png.
    🐞This is due to a bug.
    😬 Don’t worry, this picture will not appear on your website!

Need more details? Checkout:


In data/siteConfig.js, you should have the following file structure:

module.exports = {
  siteTitle: 'gatsby-starter-morning-dew',
  siteDescription: 'A Gatsby theme/starter to build lightning-fast websites',
  authorName: 'Maxence Poutord',
  twitterUsername: '_maxpou',
  authorAvatar: 'avatar.jpeg', // file in content/images
  defaultLang: 'en', // show flag if lang is not default. Leave empty to enable flags in post lists
  authorDescription: `
  For the last decade, Maxence Poutord has worked with a variety of web technologies. He is currently focused on front-end development.
  On his day to day job, he is working as a senior front-end engineer at VSware. He is also a frequent tech speaker and a mentor.
  As a new digital nomad, he is living where the WIFI and sun is 😎 <br>
  Do you want to know more? <a href="https://www.maxpou.fr/about" target="_blank">Visit my website!</a>
  siteUrl: 'https://maxpou.github.io/',
  disqusSiteUrl: 'https://www.maxpou.fr/',
  // Prefixes all links. For cases when deployed to maxpou.fr/gatsby-starter-morning-dew/
  pathPrefix: '/gatsby-starter-morning-dew', // Note: it must *not* have a trailing slash.
  siteCover: 'cover-baymax.jpeg', // file in content/images
  background_color: '#ffffff',
  theme_color: '#222222',
  display: 'standalone',
  icon: 'content/images/baymax.png',
  postsPerPage: 6,
  disqusShortname: 'maxpou',
  headerTitle: 'gatsby-starter-morning-dew',
  headerLinksIcon: 'baymax.png', //  (leave empty to disable: '')
  headerLinks: [
      label: 'Blog',
      url: '/',
      label: 'About',
      url: '/about-gatsby-starter-morning-dew',
      label: 'Installation',
      url: '/how-to-install',
  // Footer information (ex: Github, Netlify...)
  websiteHost: {
    name: 'GitHub',
    url: 'https://github.com',
  footerLinks: [
      sectionName: 'Explore',
      links: [
          label: 'Blog',
          url: '/',
          label: 'About',
          url: '/about-gatsby-starter-morning-dew',
          label: 'Installation',
          url: '/how-to-install',
      sectionName: 'Follow the author',
      links: [
          label: 'Github',
          url: 'https://github.com/maxpou/gatsby-starter-morning-dew',
          label: 'Website',
          url: 'https://www.maxpou.fr',
          label: 'Twitter',
          url: 'https://twitter.com/_maxpou',

FAQ (Theme): How do I …

Markdown headers (for posts)

title: "My blog post title"
# Slug (www.site.com/my-blog-post)
slug: my-blog-post

# Date of publication
date: 2018-10-30

# Language (FR or EN)
language: en

# Relative path to cover image
cover: ./cover-balloons.jpg

# use generated Twitter/etc. cards
imageShare: ./gatsby-starter-morning-dew-v1-1-share.png
# ... or if you want to skip the generation
generate-card: false

# Tags
  - Gatsby
  - JavaScript